New here?

Whether you are just curious about the Christian faith or perhaps you just haven't been to church in a long time. You are welcome!

Here are a few key questions to get you started...

We believe that Jesus is the son of God, the Messiah, sent to make a way for us to have a close, intimate relationship with God.

"I am the way, the truth and the life."

Did Jesus really say that? How do we know that he really is who he said he was? Is this the greatest hoax in history? Well, Jesus was able to convince people to follow him, to even give their lives for him, through his teachings and performing powerful miracles. And 2000 years later, no one has been able to expose his great trick.

So, have you ever read the Bible to see for yourself who Jesus is?

The word 'gospel' means good news, and it truly is! We believe that God sent his one and only Son, Jesus, to save us. He did this by living a perfect life, and then sacrificed himself by allowing himself to be crucified on a cross, where he died. Upon dying, he took on the sins of everyone in the world, so that when God sees us, he now sees Jesus' perfection rather than our sinful selves. Three days after his death, He defeated death and rose again. In doing so, He demonstrated his Godliness and made a way for us to be saved and do the same.

What's even better? He asks for nothing from us other than to have faith, trust in Him, and look to Jesus. He has offered to us the greatest gift, and with an open hand he offers this to you too!

Some people believe that you have to earn your place as a Christian, and that the more 'good works' you do will help you get to Heaven and live forever in the presence of God. Others may encourage you to say a special prayer and that then you are considered 'saved'.

But the truth is, you need to believe the Gospel: that Jesus was born of a virgin birth, was crucified, died and rose again, and that he is the Son of God. You need to be able to recognise that you cannot earn your salvation and therefore see the significance of God's grace and mercy alongside Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. You become a Christian when you believe these things in your heart, and choose to be obedient to God. Through repentence, which literally means 'turning from', you can ask for forgiveness for your sins and turn from the ways of the world and towards God.

Christianity Explored Course

We periodically run a series of courses called Christianity Explored for those who are looking to learn more about Jesus and what Christianity is all about. It is a bit like Alpha, which most people have heard of, but has a greater focus on Jesus and His message.

Let us know if you would be interested and we can give you the dates for the next course.